I miss blogging regularly- like that summer in ’07 when I didn’t have much to do and all I did was blog, go to the gym, go for a swim (o diba rhyming words ito), blog again, go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, and the next day- repeat the cycle. I’ve changed the format and look of this blog a thousand times to fit my moods until I no longer had the time or energy to do it. This blog had seen major life changes in me, that’s why it hurts too much to just end it.
Real life happens. As I write this (it’s 5am) I have about four other tasks waiting to be done, along with hospital duty at 2-10pm. Real life happens, so I’ll put aside my crazy obsession of trying to write something good. I laugh at myself at the lengths I went through to see how far I could go as a writer- these faces flash before me in sequence: the Chinese man who published City Girl, Prof. Alunan of UP Tac with her gray hair and gracious demeanor, my editor Rod from LNU and his thick glasses, the procurement officer from Reader’s Home, and seeing those strangers in bookstores leafing through my book…
For now, I guess it is closing time, while I work on other things. As always, I thank you for taking a peek in this corner of cyberspace ;-)